Company-Name: | SalzburgMilch GmbH |
Contact-Address: | A-5020 Salzburg, Milchstraße 1 |
Phone: | +43 662 2455-0 |
Fax: | +43 662 2455-105 |
E-Mail: | |
Internet: | |
Founded: | 2013 |
Employees: | 437 |
Locations: | City of Salzburg: production of white dairy products and fresh cheese Lamprechtshausen: production of hard- and semi-hard cheese |
Brands: | SalzburgMilch, Besser Bio |
Owners: | Salzburger Alpenmilch Genossenschaft eGen. |
General Management: | Andreas Gasteiger, CEO Spokesperson Ing. Sebastian Mösl, MIB MBA |
Authorized signatories: | Mag. Florian Schwap (Head of Marketing & Innvoation) |
Head of Human Ressources: | Mag. Katrin Wollinger, MTD |
Head of Operations: | René Eder |
Head of QM: | Rainer Bruckmoser |
Head of Sales: | Ing. Sebastian Mösl, MIB MBA |
Division Manager Sales Austria & EU Key Accounts: | Norbert Ziegler |
Absolute Milk-Supply 2023: | 318.8 mill. kg milk (incl. 173.4 mill. kg special milk) |
Turnover 2023: | € 318.8 mill. |
Export rate 2023: | 43.1 % |
Product Range: | About 600 products Full supplier of white and yellow range-dairy-products; organic-dairy-products, UHT-dairy |
Certificates: | IFS-certified, HACCP, organic-control-label, 100 % GMO-free milk |
Credit Quality: | |
In our company video you can see the path of our milk products. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at
Please note our terms & conditons for the purchase of goods.